Be Sure About Your Financial Future with Fred M Orentlich

Can anybody be sure about his next promotion or the price of their dream home after a decade?   Since nobody knows what is next, isn’t it wise to prepare for a secured financial future with insurances and other financial products? Well, all of it begins with the guidance of an experienced insurance-financial professional like Fred M Orentlich . For more than three decades, Fred Orentlich has been serving as an insurance-financial professional in more than ten states. Being an independent professional, he consults people on different products. The list includes life insurance, long-term care insurance, health insurance, disability insurance, Medicare supplements, and modified endowment contracts. Fredrick can also be relied upon for his services on other products such as annuities, equity-indexed annuities, multi-year guaranteed annuities, and encompassing fixed annuities. Apart from offering individual services, he also has trained and advised more than a hundred other financia...

Strengthen your Finances with Fred Orentlich

From wishing to own a luxury car to planning a startup to feeling financially secured, financial planning has become an indispensable step. The call of strengthening finances requires investing in the right financial products. The decision of investing in financial products needs the guidance of an experienced financial professional, one who can understand the efforts and expectations behind the investment.

With an experience of more than 3 decades, Fred Orentlich is an insurance professional licensed in more than ten states. He focuses on determining the best way of protecting and maximizing the assets of his clients, providing college funding, nursing home funding, and tax-free retirement plans.  

Fred M Orentlich transacts and consults on several financial products such as annuities, equity-indexed annuities, encompassing fixed annuities, and multi-year guaranteed annuities. He also deals in products like Medicare Supplements, Health Insurance, Disability Insurance, Life Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, and Modified Endowment Contracts. 

Apart from serving in these products, Fredrick has advised and trained more than a hundred other financial professionals. He has also founded an insurance selection agency, Senior Finance Services, Inc., where he serves as the president. Where at a personal level he has served more than a thousand clients, his firm has served several thousands of clients. 

His firm holds the approach to collaborate with the services of legal and financial professionals. This collaboration serves the clients with the leading products and strategies suiting their requirements. Some of these financial professionals are attorneys who specialize in estate planning and taxation. 

One of the names they are working in collaborations is Beliveau Law Group, LLC, they focus on elder law and estate planning and are a member of Massachusetts Chapter of National Association of Elder Care Attorneys. The financial links his firm works with include reputed brands like CNN Money, Investment Company Institute, Social Security Online, Yahoo Finance, MSN Money, and several others. 

Fredrick’s services have earned him several awards from many Insurance and Financial Service Companies. He was also honored at the State House of Massachusetts by the Jane Swift, former Governor of Massachusetts, for his treatment towards employees, which also includes hiring people with disabilities. 

His years of experience have built his expertise in understanding the requirement of clients and guiding them with expert bits of advice and financial products. The services provided by Fred Orentlich has built up several positive testimonials on financial growth. 


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