Managing finances, as everyone is aware, can be complex, and many people find it hard to frame strategies to streamline their operations to improve income. When even a ship is checked for minor leaks before it is set on the voyage, why not check your financial structure for any faults? Financial strategies, no matter how small or profound it is, can have a devastating or accomplishing impact on your business. Everybody wants the latter, so it is important to address your finances, and if that means seeking help from someone who specializes in this, don’t think twice before doing it.
Choosing the right set of professionals is a foremost need. With an experience of over three decades, Fred Orentlich is the founder and president of the renowned Insurance Selection Agency, Senior Financial Services Inc. He is presently authorized in more than 10 states to market, transact, and consult on a certain variety of products as an independent producer. The products he consults on include Annuities, Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities, Equity Indexed Annuities, and Encompassing Fixed Annuities. He also provides consultancy for Life Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Health Insurance, Disability Insurance, Modified Endowment Contracts, and Medicare Supplements.
Also a member of the Asset Protectors and group, Fred M Orentlich holds the objective of protecting his clients, also to widen their estate, and retirement income, without any stock market risk. He plans for the college funding, nursing home funding, and provides tax-free retirement plans. He focuses on senior financial matters, which include asset growth and protection. On a personal level, he has served more than a thousand clients, apart from which, he has trained and advised over a hundred financial professionals.
His company holds an approach to join forces with various financial and legal professionals, to serve the client with current and advanced products, strategies, and services. His company works in conjunction with attorneys to provide services in Estate Planning and Taxation, C.F.P.’s C.P.A.’s, and L.U.T.C’s. Over the years he has been honored with multiple awards from various Insurance and Financial Services. He was presented an award by the Governor, Jane Swift, at the State House of Massachusetts, for treatment of employees including the recruitment of people with disabilities.
For the days where expenses are always at a hike, choosing the right financial consultant holds the utmost value. From the life insurance to health insurance service, from annuities to modified endowment contracts, from planning the college funding to plan for the retirement funds, everyone deserves the right set of professionals. Fred M Orentlich and his firm are not only the leading choice but the right choice also.
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